
public interface Graph { // Graph class ADT
/** Initialize the graph
@param n The number of vertices */
public void Init(int n);
/** @return The number of vertices */
public int n();
/** @return The current number of edges */
public int e();
/** @return v’s first neighbor */
public int first(int v);
/** @return v’s next neighbor after w */
public int next(int v, int w);
/** Set the weight for an edge
@param i,j The vertices
@param wght Edge weight */
public void setEdge(int i, int j, int wght);
/** Delete an edge
@param i,j The vertices */
public void delEdge(int i, int j);
/** Determine if an edge is in the graph
@param i,j The vertices
@return true if edge i,j has non-zero weight */
public boolean isEdge(int i, int j);
/** @return The weight of edge i,j, or zero
@param i,j The vertices */
public int weight(int i, int j);
/** Set the mark value for a vertex
@param v The vertex
@param val The value to set */
public void setMark(int v, int val);
/** Get the mark value for a vertex
@param v The vertex
@return The value of the mark */
public int getMark(int v);

topological sort

Shortest-Paths Problems

最小生成樹Minimum-Cost Spanning Trees (MST)


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