Building a sample bot with Heroku
Deploy the "echo" sample bot
Follow the steps below to deploy a bot that echoes text messages that it receives.
- Get the channel secret and channel access token from the console
- Click the Deploy to Heroku button on the README file in the sample-spring-boot-echo GitHub directory
- Using the values from step 1, fill in the "App name" (optional), "LINE_BOT_CHANNEL_TOKEN", and * "LINE_BOT_CHANNEL_SECRET" fields and click Deploy app. Copy the app name because it will be used in the next step. As it may take some time, wait for the app to be deployed.
- Enter the webhook URL in the console using the following URL format: https://{HEROKU_APP_NAME}
Note: {HEROKU_APP_NAME} is the app name from step 3 - Add your bot as a friend on LINE by scanning the QR code on the "Channel settings" page in the console
- Send your bot a text message on LINE and confirm that it responds with the same message