Line Messaging API

Build an intelligent conversational LINE bot.

  • Have a LINE@ account
  • Enable Messaging API for your LINE@ account.
  • Go to Settings > Bot Settings from the left side menu.
  • On the Bot Settings page, in the ‘Request Settings’ section, set ‘Allow’ for ‘Use webhooks’.
  • Go to your LINE@ account page in the LINE Business Center.
  • In the ‘Messaging API’ section, click ‘LINE Developers’ to go to the Channel Console.

From Line developers console, get Channel ID and Channel Secret/Channel Access Token

Line chatbot server provides Webhook URL

Getting started with the Messaging API

  • Step 1: Creating a channel
  • Step 2: Register as a developer
  • Step 3: Create a new provider
  • Step 4: Create a channel

Messaging API介紹

Messaging API提供Push與Reply兩種形式的API,Push API指的是該LINE機器人可以在任何時間點對用戶傳送訊息的API;Reply API則是該機器人針對LINE用戶傳來的訊息進行回覆的API。

Messaging API帳號收費方案

LINE@帳號開啟API功能後,可供購買的收費方案有4種,請點此查詢。 其中,Developer trial帳號可免費使用Reply API與Push API。 其餘開啟API功能的LINE@帳號皆可免費使用Reply API, 若需要進一步使用Push API,請升級為「進階版(API)」或「專業版(API)」,升級後即可立即使用。

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